Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Supply and Demand

Recently, when studying to teach a history lesson, I found myself getting into a bit of economic study.  Explaining certain elements of the financial machinations of our country to junior high students can be challenging.  However, one element that is somewhat easy to illustrate is the principle of supply and demand.

While pondering the application of supply and demand within the history lesson, I also couldn't help but think of how the principle applies to our Christian walk.  When the demand to serve God within our lives is high, the costs to do so will also be high.  It costs you something to maintain a close relationship with Christ.  The Bible speaks of taking up a cross daily, crucifying our old man, and denying ourselves- Christianity isn't easy as we perceive easiness.  It is work, and there are certain costs associated with serving God.  When demand is high to serve the Lord, the devil will be sure to attack.

If your demand to serve God is low, the costs associated are also high- albeit of a different nature.  The costs associated with a high demand to serve the Lord will eventually work to enrich and strengthen.  We know this because "All things work together for good..." and God promises to aid those who seek Him.  The costs associated with no demand to serve the Lord are damaging and destructive.  These costs will result in the inevitable demise and death promised in Scripture to those who are not saved or to those Christians who neglect to serve God with their lives. 

When we have no demand to serve Christ, the costs are always higher than we can afford.

If  we maintain a high demand to live for God, there will be costs involved.  But those costs are quickly repaid to us by the blessings of the Lord.  We will find that His supply never runs out.  God has unlimited resources of wisdom, strength, truth, love, mercy, and grace that we may draw from daily.

The spiritual law of supply and demand may differ a bit from how the financial law operates, but I rejoice in the fact that our Lord will never withhold any good thing from us if we maintain a high personal demand to serve Christ.  Put this principle of spiritual supply and demand to the test.  Increase your demand to serve Christ and have a daily walk with Him, and see how the Lord will help you to pay the costs that it will incur.

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